Without opening your dooR,
You can open your heart to the world.
...Lao Tsu
Other websites with information about Holotropic Breathwork.
The Grof Foundation is a worldwide non-profit organization dedicated to the legacy of Stanislav and Christina Grof's work. It sponsors a FREE website that is a major resource for anyone interested in Holotropic Breathwork. You are invited to visit, share your experiences, ask questions, catch up on the latest research, and find facilitators and workshops in your area. Check it out! The mission of the Foundation is to support the practice of Holotropic Breathwork as a resource for healing and transformation. You can support the publishing of HB research and research projects by becoming a member of the Grof Foundation or by making a donation. Learn more at this website.
Boston Holotropic offers weekend workshops in Belmont, Massachusetts. Learn more and register for events here.
For residential workshops in Vermont, as well as essays on some of the philosophical underpinnings of Holotropic Breathwork, check out Lenny and Elizabeth Gibson's website Dreamshadow.
To learn more about the work and writings of Stanislav Grof, look here.
For information on facilitator training and a schedule for longer workshops, see the website for Grof Transpersonal Training (GTT).
To find out about Jean's work that correlates transit astrology with the contents of individual breathwork sessions as well as individual life patterns, see her website Holotropic Astrology.
Quotes of Lao Tsu are from Stephen Mitchell's translation of the Tao Te Ching, 1988.